Connected Investors Largest REI Scam on the Internet (2025)

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Connected Investors Largest REI Scam on the Internet (3)

Alan Goetsch
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  • Investor / Contractor
  • from Sierra Vista, Arizona
  • Member since Dec 13, 2015

Alan GoetschPoster

  • Investor / Contractor
  • Sierra Vista, AZ
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Alan GoetschPoster

  • Investor / Contractor
  • Sierra Vista, AZ


We signed up for Connected Investors 9-4-16. At the same time we where gullible enough to likewise put out information through the CiX site looking for lenders. Allegedly all the lenders on the CiX site have been vetted and are legitimate. Having said that, let me share with you what we've learned and experienced in the time (nearly 6 mos) we have been on this site.

!. Since 9-4-16 we have been contacted by 63 so-called private money lenders not affiliated with CI or their supposed list of vetted lenders. Not 1 lender has proven to be legitimate. Never mind the qualification that may have been requested. When these lenders were investigated; addresses turned out to be phony, licenses when claimed false and virtualy 61 of them wanted up front fees in order to process the loan. The smallest upfront fee was $1200 and the largest $10,000. 58 of the lenders required copies of our passport.

14 lenders were in the criminal data base of Interpol; 28 were in the in the financial crimes data base of Nigeria and 4 were listed in the Interpol data base connecting them to Russian mobs!

2. Of the dozens of REI's we shared deals with; not one was able to complete a deal. Ultimately it always boiled down to their inability to close due to funding problems. (Lack of money period in 85% of the transactions).

3. It is true that Ross Hamilton as assembled the largest social network for real estate investors. And like all the gurus, (Childress, Dave Galegor, Cantwell and the list goes on)...they pitch their seminars and courses; charge ridiculous amounts of money for outdated or information one can obtain for free with just a little bit of effort. The stats for 29,000+ investors on CI, who have successfully built or substantially expanded their business through CI is less than 5%. Just ask some of those who are begging for business many deals have they closed directly with another CI investor. You will be shocked!

4. Rip-Off Reporthas plenty of people that have finally awakened to the fact that CI is nothing but a very cheap and ineffective gathering spot for REI's wishing against hope that somehow they will connect with a successful transaction.

5. During our miserable experience we presented 14 deals; not one of them closed as a result of CI contacts. We did however close successfully all 14 by simply using reputable resources such as Oncarrot, AWeber, Sales Genie and several other sites. If you pay attention to these gurus you begin to realize they are similar to a "tag team" wrestlers on WWF (fake too by the way) so-called "expert" REI will ply his crap for a while and then all the sudden another guru pops up touting the advantage of using this other gurus slop...but in the end its all the same swill.

6. Ross Hamilton knows full well the kind of people that promote their garbage on his site. In fact we know that two separate state law enforcement agencies are currently investigating several so-called lenders who were advertising on the site.

7. One of the most glaring signs of the scam oriented site that is CI...should be the fact that CI and CiX support Josh Cantwell. Cantwell is even more odious than CI.

In short we have determined to work with several agencies to see that CI is held accountable for the rip offs and scams that are perpetrated daily on the site.

If you are truly in search of legitimate funding; private or otherwise, you will find that real, honest lenders have nothing to do with these kinds of sites. They realize that licenses and possibility of severe criminal prosecution isn't worth the risk. Do your due diligence and search out legitimate lenders.

It's worth noting that COGO Capital is on the CiX "hit parade" but I can tell you with certainty that our experience has been nothing but 100% positive. They have funded many of our deals. Another agent of integrity can be found at funding by mary at g mail.

8. Lastly in taking the CI training we soon discovered that it is a gigantic sales pitch for more money and products that are never delivered. Again as we have reaffirmed in our business; there are far more effective products and tools available for ultimately far less money. The deals referenced above all came to a successful close as a result of those tools. Oh...and by the way we made a total of $143,582 totaloff those 14 deals. CI had virtually nothing to do with any one deal...period.

I will give credit however to CI, in that we learned a multitude of things NOT TO DO and how to better refine our associations with those who are real REI's.

Conclusion: Connected Investors is a rip-off, scam and nothing short of a criminal enterprise!

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Connected Investors Largest REI Scam on the Internet (2025)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.