Do Weight Loss Patches Work? (2025)

Weight loss patches are adhesive patches applied to an area of skin. They are supposed to transfer ingredients to the body over a controlled period of time. Limited research supports their efficacy.

Weight loss patches are advertised as promoting weight loss by transferring ingredients through the skin, a process known as transdermal. They’re sometimes called “slim” or “slimming” patches.

Several types of patches exist, each containing natural and plant-based ingredients or prescription medications.

A 2024 animal study suggests benefits from weight loss patches, but very few human studies have examined the effectiveness of ingredients intended to be absorbed into the skin via these patches.

Even with oral intake, the research is lacking, but the transdermal route is even less understood.

Keep reading to learn more about the types, effectiveness, and safety of weight loss patches.

Do weight loss patches really work?

Weight loss patches alone will not help you lose weight.

The most important aspect of weight loss is maintaining a calorie deficit, which means you burn more calories than you consume.

The following factors are key to losing weight safely, effectively, and sustainably:

  • staying physically active, such as exercising regularly
  • eating a well-balanced diet
  • getting enough high quality sleep
  • staying hydrated

Learn more about how to lose weight.

Some common ingredients in weight loss patches include the following:

Açai berry

Açai is a fruit found on the Amazon palm tree. Recently, interest has grown in using it as a nutritional supplement because of its numerous advertised health benefits.

For instance, a small 2019 study found that consuming 200 grams (g) of açai pulp for 60 days helped reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which are both associated with weight gain and obesity.

However, limited research has examined the effects of acai in weight loss patches. More research is needed to draw conclusions about the fruit’s effectiveness.

Green coffee bean extract

Green coffee beans are unroasted coffee beans. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), they’re advertised to help decrease fat accumulation and promote energy.

However, little evidence suggests green coffee beans or green coffee extract can significantly affect weight loss.

A small 2021 study found that people living with obesity reduced their body fat using the supplement for 12 weeks, but only 60 individuals were involved in the study, and it did not involve a patch.

While this recent research is interesting, more is needed to determine the effects and safety of green coffee beans.

Garcinia cambogia

Garcinia cambogia is a popular ingredient in weight loss patches. It comes from a tree that grows in Asia, Africa, and the Polynesian Islands.

A 2020 research review found that garcinia cambogia supplementation helped decrease body fat, composition, and weight.

However, garcinia cambogia may pose harsh side effects.

A 2018 case report and literature review found that this supplement may cause liver toxicity, inflammation, and fibrosis. Additionally, you may experience the following side effects with garcinia cambogia:

  • headache
  • nausea
  • cough
  • congestion
  • upset stomach
  • diarrhea

A 2024 animal study found that weight loss patches may help reduce body weight, but very few studies have examined their effects on humans.

Dietary supplements don’t have to meet the same standards as over-the-counter and prescription medications for effectiveness, so the evidence isn’t there to prove weight loss patches induce weight loss.

Additionally, any studies conducted by the product manufacturers are typically small and do not meet the usual standards for scientific research.

A 2021 research review suggests transdermal drug delivery like patches may pose fewer side effects than oral drugs and injections because they’re easier to administer and there’s less blood and pain.

However, the side effects of weight loss patches are not fully understood.

This may be because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate dietary supplements and ingredients in transdermal weight loss patches have only been studied for their effectiveness taken orally.

Also, different patches contain different ingredients, so side effects will vary. The best way to find out how a particular weight loss patch might affect you is to talk with a healthcare professional. They can help you decide if the product is a safe choice for you.

A note on herbs and supplements

The FDA does not regulate the quality or purity of herbs and supplements and doesn’t standardize supplement dosages.

As a result, many nutritional supplements, including weight loss patches, have not been tested for safety.

Some weight loss patches claim to use natural ingredients from plants, but being natural doesn’t guarantee they’re safe and without side effects. The FDA has warned that many OTC dietary supplements contain hidden active ingredients that could harm you.

Consider speaking with a healthcare professional before buying and using any supplement. They can recommend the best dosage for you or suggest alternative remedies.

When buying herbal supplements, look for third-party verification from companies like NSF International or USP to ensure they’re from a reputable source.

Where is the best place to put a slimming patch?

There’s no official guidance on where to apply a slimming patch on your body to experience any possible benefits. Manufacturers of weight loss patches may recommend placing them on the area where you want to lose weight.

How many slim patches per day?

The number of slim patches to wear each day will depend on the manufacturer of the weight loss patch. Some patches may last all day, while others may require changing every few hours.

Weight loss patches have not been proven safe or effective for weight loss.

If you want to lose weight but don’t know where to start, speaking with a healthcare professional is a good first step. They could help develop a safe and effective weight loss program that meets your specific needs. You can also ask them questions about weight loss patches, weight loss medications, and other weight loss methods.

Do Weight Loss Patches Work? (2025)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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