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Call for Papers- Volume 10, Issue 4, April 2023, International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology [IJARTET], ISSN(online):2394-3785 ISSN(Print):2394-3777
Christo Ananth
International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology [IJARTET], 2023
International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary and monthly journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in Engineering, Science, Technology and related fields. We publish original research articles, review articles and technical notes. The journal reviews papers within one week of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version. IJARTET has many benefits which are all geared towards strengthening research skills and advancing academic careers. As by Law of Engineering and Technology, Journal publications are a vital part of academic career advancement..
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Call for Papers- Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2023, International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology [IJARTET], ISSN(online):2394-3785 ISSN(Print):2394-3777
Christo Ananth
International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology [IJARTET], 2023
International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary and monthly journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in Engineering, Science, Technology and related fields. We publish original research articles, review articles and technical notes. The journal reviews papers within one week of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version. IJARTET has many benefits which are all geared towards strengthening research skills and advancing academic careers. As by Law of Engineering and Technology, Journal publications are a vital part of academic career advancement..
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Call for Papers- Volume 10, Issue 3, March 2023, International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology [IJARTET], ISSN(online):2394-3785 ISSN(Print):2394-3777
Christo Ananth
International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology [IJARTET], 2023
International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary and monthly journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in Engineering, Science, Technology and related fields. We publish original research articles, review articles and technical notes. The journal reviews papers within one week of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version. IJARTET has many benefits which are all geared towards strengthening research skills and advancing academic careers. As by Law of Engineering and Technology, Journal publications are a vital part of academic career advancement..
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Call for Papers- Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2023, International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology [IJARTET], ISSN(online):2394-3785 ISSN(Print):2394-3777
Christo Ananth
International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology [IJARTET]
International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary and monthly journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in Engineering, Science, Technology and related fields. We publish original research articles, review articles and technical notes. The journal reviews papers within one week of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version. IJARTET has many benefits which are all geared towards strengthening research skills and advancing academic careers. As by Law of Engineering and Technology, Journal publications are a vital part of academic career advancement..
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Call for Papers- Volume 7, Issue 5, October 2022, International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications [IJARIDEA], ISSN(Online): 2456-8805
Christo Ananth
International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications [IJARIDEA], 2022
International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications [IJARIDEA] is a peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes state-of-the-art reviews and original research papers in all areas of Engineering, Science, Technology and its related fields. International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications [IJARIDEA] currently has an acceptance rate of 16%. The average time between time taken for initial decision on whether the article should be forwarded for review is 7 days. The average time between time taken for an article to be forwarded for review and time taken for final decision is 7 days. The average time between acceptance and publication is 7 days..
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Call for Papers- Volume 7, Issue 6, December 2022, International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications [IJARIDEA], ISSN(Online): 2456-8805
Christo Ananth
International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications [IJARIDEA]
International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications [IJARIDEA] is a peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes state-of-the-art reviews and original research papers in all areas of Engineering, Science, Technology and its related fields. International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications [IJARIDEA] currently has an acceptance rate of 16%. The average time between time taken for initial decision on whether the article should be forwarded for review is 7 days. The average time between time taken for an article to be forwarded for review and time taken for final decision is 7 days. The average time between acceptance and publication is 7 days..
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Call for Papers- Volume 7, Issue 4, August 2022, International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications [IJARIDEA], ISSN(Online): 2456-8805
Christo Ananth
International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications [IJARIDEA], 2022
International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications [IJARIDEA] is a peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes state-of-the-art reviews and original research papers in all areas of Engineering, Science, Technology and its related fields. International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications [IJARIDEA] currently has an acceptance rate of 16%. The average time between time taken for initial decision on whether the article should be forwarded for review is 7 days. The average time between time taken for an article to be forwarded for review and time taken for final decision is 7 days. The average time between acceptance and publication is 7 days..
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Proceedings of International Conference on Studies in Engineering, Science, and Technology
ISTES Publication
International Society for Technology, Education and Science (ISTES), 2021
Editors Dr. Stephen Jackowicz & Dr. Maher Al-Jabari Volume 1, Pages 1-114 Proceedings of International Conference on Studies in Engineering, Science, and Technology © 2021 Published by the ISTES Organization ISBN: 978-1-952092-26-8 Editors: Dr. Stephen Jackowicz & Dr. Maher Al-Jabari Articles: 1-9 Conference: International Conference on Studies in Engineering, Science, and Technology (ICSEST) Dates: November 11-14, 2021 Location: Antalya, Turkey Conference Chair(s): Stephen Jackowicz, University of Bridgeport, United States Richard Thripp, University of Central Florida, United States
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Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology
ISTES Publication
International Society for Technology, Education and Science (ISTES), 2021
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Engineering Abstracts: 4th Annual International Conference
Gregory T Papanikos
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